Course content
Weekly live content call with Q&A (1-1,5h) -for 12 weeks
Weekly being coached by a peer (1h) -for 16+ weeks
Weekly coaching a peer (1h)
-for 16+ weeks.
Every 3rd week supervised coaching triangles (1-1,5h) -for 12 weeks
Access to teacher on-demand through private groups & chats

Monthly: €725,- (in four instalments)
Or: €2800,- up front
To maintain the highest possible quality of the course, and consequently the best experience for the participants, we can't guarantee your spot until you have passed through the filter of who this is meant for.
Apply by filling out the form underneath, and we'll get back to you with more questions if nessecary.
To book your spot, pay the non-refundable deposit of €725
-if cancelled earlier then 1 month before the start of the course, the €725 can be moved to a later occurrence of SandringS coach-training
Next course starts: 2nd of March 2023